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Sopot Beach


SOPOT BEACH is a series of photographic impressions made by photographer Ela Kinowska between March 2020 and April 2021. Ela takes a walk every morning on the beach in Sopot, which has become a shelter for her, where she unexpectedly found herself suspended  enroute between Canada and Kyrgyzstan.

This album is a collection of 92 colour photos presented on 100 pages, with the author’s introduction and the curator’s text. Here we find photos of more and less known places and objects that build non-obvious associations. The photos convey the atmosphere of a mysterious journey on the Sopot Beach. The album is curated by Mariola Balińska.


An interesting story, the author’s personality and photos drew the attention of Polish media on SOPOT BEACH. In April 2021, an interview with Ela Kinowska in a magazine “Wysokie Obcasy” was published, in which the photographer presented the role of the Sopot beach in discovering not only the beauty of nature, but showed how she had built her motivation to live and move on with photography every single morning during the pandemia.

Wysokie Obcasy,157211,27049032,codzienne-wyjscie-na-plaze-o- wschodzie-slonca-by-zrobic-zdjecie.html

Article in a daily magazine Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto,35612,27509048,codziennie-o-wschodzie-slonca-fotografuje-baltyk-i-plaze-zdjecia.html

Article in a magazine Zwierciadło in a section: Masters of photography.

Zwierciadło 12/2021

In May, the Sopot Beach project was presented at the DZIEŃ DOBRY TVN program. Dorota Wellman and Marcin Prokop’s conversation with Ela Kinowska was richly illustrated with several photos from the SOPOT BEACH collection.

Dzień Dobry TVN ratunkowe

Social MEDIA

For several months, a new photo is published on Ela Kinowska’s Facebook profile every day. This becomes not only the author’s morning habit, but also attracts crowds of observers. On FB and IG, photos stimulate, motivate and engage not only sea and Sopot lovers, but also observers from around the world.

Support of local authorities

Ela Kinowska has received an art grant from the President of Sopot towards the production of the album.

Where to buy

The Album can be purchased at local book stores in Sopot Smak Słowa and Ambelucja as well as directly from the artist by contacting